The choice of a stone object or jewelry is usually made because one likes the color and patterns of the stone. For most people, this may very well stop here and that is fine.

For other people, the choice of a stone is important because of the meanings and virtues attributed to it. These principles are often derived from lithotherapy, an alternative medicine based on the energy released by stones and crystals.

In this guide we will explain some of the basics if you want to try this practice with esoteric aspects. Please note that this article is not exhaustive but many books can give you the additional information you may need.



Purifying a stone


As surprising as it may seem at first, a stone is as much a receiver as a transmitter of energy. Therefore, as soon as you receive or buy a fine stone object, we advise you to purify it. The stone has passed through countless hands before reaching you, so it may have been affected by these different energies, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. In order not to take any risks, several methods are available to you for the purification.

Be aware that some stones are not compatible with all methods of purification. This is due to their hardness or their composition.


Purification with salt


Known for centuries, salt is an excellent purifier. Place your stones in a bowl of salt, cover them completely and leave them there for an hour or two. Then rinse with water to remove any traces of salt. Sea salt and our rock salt are highly recommended as they are very effective for this type of purification.
- Avoid purifying labradorite, lepidolite, calcite, opal or turquoise. They do not tolerate salt.
- If your stones are part of a piece of jewelry, avoid letting the salt come into contact with other parts such as clasps, fabrics, leathers, plastics, etc., which could be damaged more easily.


 Purification with salt water

Salt water

A common method is to let the stone soak in salt water (for one cup of water, 4 spoonfuls of salt). Let it sit for about 2 to 4 hours.
- Avoid purifying labradorite, lepidolite, calcite, opal or turquoise. They do not tolerate salt.
- If your stones are part of a piece of jewelry, avoid salt water coming into contact with other parts such as clasps, fabrics, leathers, plastics, etc. which could be more easily damaged.


 Purification with demineralized water

Demineralized water

This process takes more time but can be easier to set up. Simply place the stone in demineralized water for a day or overnight.
- Avoid purifying azurite, garnet, sulfur or pyrite. They do not tolerate salt.
- If your stones are part of a piece of jewelry, avoid letting the water come in contact with other parts such as clasps, fabrics, leathers, plastics, etc., which could be damaged more easily.


 Purification and recharging with earth

The Earth

The most effective and radical approach if you have a crystal loaded with a huge amount of negative energy. Bury the stone in the ground to free it from energies and to purify it. Let it sit for at least 12 hours, although this can be several days or even a week depending on the needs of the stone. Space the stones about 15 cm apart if you are burying more than one and put a marker or a point of reference so that you can easily retrieve them. If possible, choose a healthy place to bury them, without any negative events. Once the purification is complete, dig up the stone, rinse it with clean water and gently wipe it with cloths to restore its luster.


 Purification with incense


For small purifications, you can pass your stones through incense. Choose a natural incense, whether it is in stick or grain form. Take your stone in your hand and visualize the negative energies in it while flying through the smoke, these same volutes that penetrate the stone and leave with the bad waves to make room for the positive energies.


 Purification by sound

The sound

Light purification as well, certain sounds or instruments give off positive waves that will dislodge the negative energies lodged in the stones. We advise you to use a triangle or a bell that you will tinkle by making circular movements around the stone. You can also place it on a cloth inside a Tibetan bowl and let it sing for a few minutes.
This quick method can also be used to cleanse other objects and places.



Recharging a stone

Now that the stone is clear of negative energy, it is ready to receive positive energy and then return it to you in its own way. Just as we need to eat to stay in shape, stones need a source to recharge.


 Recharging by the full moon or the sun

Moonlight or sunlight

This is the most common and easiest method. Place your stones on a windowsill and let them enjoy the light. Some prefer sunlight, others moonlight. If the light is bright (no clouds), the stones can stay there for an hour or two. If the sky is overcast, wait a day or night.
In the fall and winter, it is best to keep your stones indoors to prevent rain or frost from damaging them. In the spring and summer, you can place them outside on sunny days but be careful with heat sensitive stones.
Avoid bright sunlight for ametrine, labradorite or rhodonite for example. It could dry them out.
Avoid the full moon, which could discolor stones such as amethyst, ametrine, fluorite or rose quartz.


 Purification and recharging by a druse or geode of amethyst or rock crystal

The geode or druse of amethyst or rock crystal

Place your stones on a druse or in a geode of amethyst or rock crystal. These are clusters of crystals that store a lot of energy and allow you to give it back to smaller stones. Leave them to rest for an hour or two. They can also purify the stones.


 Purification and recharging by scallop shell

The scallop shell or the Abalone shell

Place your stones in the hollow of the shell for an hour or two. They can also purify the stones.


The stones can also be recharged with the Tibetan bowl or the earth according to the techniques developed in the purification.



When to purify and recharge?

As said before, when you buy or receive a new stone, it is advisable to purify and recharge it. Also use these methods after having done a lithotherapy session. For the stones that you have in your home, we advise you to purify and recharge them monthly. If you wear the stones in your pockets, bag or as jewelry on a daily basis, purify them at least once a week. If you feel that the effect of your stones, in your house or on you, is losing its vivacity, do not hesitate to purify and recharge them more frequently.


Clusters of stones

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